RAL gemeinnützige GmbH
Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn
Telephone: +49 228 68895 190
Fax: +49 228 68895 430
E-Mail: umweltzeichen@ral.de

CEO, Chairman of the Board:
Rüdiger Wollmann, Attorney-at-Law

Thomas Roßbach, Attorney-at-Law

RAL German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification

Register of associations: Amtsgericht Bonn

Number of register: HRB 23155

Tax number: 206/5891/1048

Sales tax identification number:
DE 814 988 168

Exclusion of Liability and Copyright

All published information in the internet offered by RAL are compiled carefully. A guarantee for up-to-dateness, objective correctness and completeness can not be taken.
For the use of the links offered in the internet RAL will neither take responsibility neither accuracy of the provided information of the addressed website nor adopt the content as one´s own.
All data is proteced by copyright. Reprints, copies, microfilms or feedings in electronic media – also partial – are forbidden to produce and/or to distribute.